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Tournament Plans for AoA on 9/27/2015

Good day Gamers,
Our second tournament will be an Act of Aggression tournament on 9/26 at 12:15 pm (GMT -5) with the following rules:
– Best 2 out of 3 matches is the winner
– Starting resources set to standard
– Super Weapons are allowed
– You are able to change factions in between matches
– 2-player maps only (specific map will be determined)
– No random crates
– An observer must be present to watch the matches or they don’t count
– We will use Evolve networking game client with Skype for audio

Updated rules and guidelines can be found here:

Feel free to leave any feedback or tips on how this can be done smoothly and let me know what you think.

Results from AoA Tournament – 9/26/2015
John Megacycle
John Megacycle